7.2$ Bln for Broadband Expansion

2008-02-18-economic-stimulus-package Though it is only 7.2$ billion out of 789$ billion (less than 1%), there was money in the stimulus plan for broadband expansion; a first step toward a nation wide broadband plan. There are no details about the broadband money as of yet except; that it will be in the form of grants. Companies and non-profits will be able to compete for the money which is going to be given out to both rural and urban projects. The general idea is to get roughly 20 million Americans broadband access who currently don’t have it.

We’ll have to see how this plays out, in the earlier part of the twentieth century I believe that there was a government plan to get every American electricity; and I view this as in the same category, therefore I don’t have a huge problem with my tax money going for this.

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