Top websites of Dec. 2006

This is just a snap shot of what websites Americans spend the most time on as of dec. 2006. Myspace gets 11.9% of total time, yahoo 8.5%, MSN 3.7%, ebay 3.7%, Google 2.1%, AOL 1.7, 1.6%, facebook 1%


Interesting how far down the list is Google. If you think about it through most people go to Google they make a search and then they move off of Google to a site that actually has content. Yahoo however has a large news program (larger than Google’s) and they also had at the time the number 1 or 2 free e-mail service. Also at the time facebook was much smaller than myspace so that explains the difference there.

Source: Blog Compete 

Posted in Tech. 1 Comment »

One Response to “Top websites of Dec. 2006”

  1. essayguy Says:

    google is going down…

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